Subtle Revolution Massage partnered with Studio Prow to develop a logo for her über cool name and massage businesses. The origin of the name of Subtle Revolution Massage lies in the idea in small, subtle changes or movements or habits can result in a revolutionary change in overall well-being. The brand colors chosen are intentionally uplifting and energizing. This unique business model offers massage in a studio in Woodbury, Minnesota and also offers in-house massage with a traveling service. Corporations and event-planners also hire her for corporate events. She's found herself as a backstage masseuse to rock bands and musicians (fun!) and often times outdoors. The brand needed to match the energy and uniqueness of this business idea and add the polish that can make all the difference for a small business.
The website for Subtle Revolution Massage was designed by Studio Prow.
• logo design + brand development
• graphic design
• marketing strategy + planning
• website design + content management